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Presto Pest Control


Toll Free (877) 797-4500 - Toll Free
Phone (215) 258-1000
Address 100 Emlen Way, Suite 100,
Telford, PA 18969 United States


Commercial Pest Control Experts! Locally Serving Commercial Properties
and Businesses in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia, West Virginia. Presto began over 25 years ago as a privately-owned small business built on simple principles and values, and continues to hold onto what made us into a regional powerhouse in the commercial pest control industry. We strive to not just offer customer satisfaction, but to provide an exceptional customer experience. Our specialty is providing top-of-the-line pest control for the food service and hospitality industries, but we don’t stop there. We also offer our services for a variety of commercial customers, including medical, distribution, retail, and property management.

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