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Nu Era Pest Control


Phone (901) 398-7378
Address 3206 South Third St,
Memphis, TN 38109 United States


Termites often go undetected, until after they do serious damage. Call Nu Era today to schedule your free* termite inspection, and you will know what is living in – or under – your home. Nu Era Pest Control has been protecting Tennessee homes since 1998.

First, our state-licensed termite inspector will conduct a thorough inspection of your home. Our inspector will examine your home inside and out. He’ll search around windows and plumbing. He’ll check out the attic, the basement and the crawl space. He’ll look anywhere termite colonies might be establishing a new threat around your home.

Then, if our inspector discovers a termite problem, he’ll recommend the most effective treatment method. He’ll customize the plan to meet your home’s specific needs. He’ll also advise you on appropriate repairs for any damaged areas. Finally, our inspector may recommend an ongoing termite monitoring plan.

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